Tall skinny tree or a wide leafy one?

There are moments in life when things change, maybe just a simple thing can make your life do a 180º turn, some other times there’s a chain reaction, I love this last one, because it is a non stop sequence of situations, I’m just looking at me 6 months ago and I’m looking at me now, I was happier before but not fully satisfied but now I almost need anything more, yes nothing is perfect I know it could be better, but I just want to think I’m still in the middle of that full happiness, it will arrive, I will fight so it arrives and that’s the secret fighting to get it and not being sat down on the sofa waiting happiness knock on your door.
Yes. I’m happy and I want to be happier I’m not talking about wanting more and ore and more without seeing an ending line, no I don’t neam that, I don’t want that, I just want to arrive where I want, and then when I arrive I will fight to keep it alive, work everyday on it, yes I know it can be tireing but that’s the ABC of life, the most of the times it is quite easy to improve quickly in the beginning, because everything is new, every short step seems to be huge, you can see you are going up and up, and you feel great, but once you reach the top is when it is harder and your interes can decrease, that’s the moment of doing some light changes that can make you wide your view and pushing you up again, maybe we can compare this with a tree, they grow quickly up but then it starts to be wide, to have more branches and branches leaving another ones, and at the end when you see this tree from the outside it is a wonderful leafy full of life tree.

Do you prefer being a tall skinny tree or a wide leafy one?

You choose is your choice